The Saints
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Shop This SaintFeast Day: June 21
Patron: Patron Saint of students and young men
Vocation: Jesuit Novice
Saint Andre Bessette
Shop This SaintFeast Day: January 6
Patron: Patron Saint of the sick and those in need of healing, family caregivers
Vocation: Brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Doorkeeper
Saint Augustine
Shop This SaintFeast Day: August 28
Patron: Patron Saint of theologians, printers, and brewers
Vocation: Priest, Bishop
Saint Benedict
Shop This SaintFeast Day: March 21
Patron: Patron Saint of Europe
Vocation: Father of Western Monasticism
Saint Charbel
Shop This SaintFeast Day: July 24
Patron: Patron Saint of Lebanon, and of those who suffer
Vocation: Priest
Saint Christopher
Shop This SaintFeast Day: July 25
Patron: Children and Travelers
Vocation: Christ-bearer
Saint Damien of Molokai
Shop This SaintFeast Day: May 10
Patron: Patron Saint of people suffering from Leprosy and of Hawaii
Vocation: Priest
Saint Dominic Savio
Shop This SaintFeast Day: March 9
Patron: Patron Saint of boys, those who are falsely accused, and juvenile delinquents
Vocation: Choir boy and spiritual son of Saint John Bosco
Saint Francis de Sales
Shop This SaintFeast Day: January 24
Patron: Patron Saint of writers and journalists, adult education, and the deaf
Vocation: Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Venerable Fulton Sheen
Shop This SaintFeast Day: Made a Venerable on December 9
Patron: Media and evangelization
Vocation: Bishop, author
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Shop This SaintFeast Day: July 31
Patron: Patron Saint of the Jesuits
Vocation: Jesuit Priest, Founder of the Society of Jesus
Saint Josemaria Escriva
Shop This SaintFeast Day: June 26
Patron: Patron Saint of Opus Dei, and of those who suffer from diabetes
Vocation: Priest and founder of the Opus Dei prelate
Saint Joseph
Shop This SaintFeast Day: March 19 & May 1
Patron: Patron Saint of workers, fathers and husbands
Vocation: Foster father of Jesus Christ, Most Chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Shop This SaintFeast Day: August 14
Patron: Patron Saint of prisoners, drug addicts, families, and the pro-life movement
Vocation: Priest
Saint Michael the Archangel
Shop This SaintFeast Day: September 29
Patron: Patron Saint of Military and Police Forces
Vocation: Commander of God's Army
Saint Padre Pio
Shop This SaintFeast Day: September 23
Patron: Patron Saint of civil defense volunteers, adolscents, and the village of Pietrelcina
Vocation: Capuchin Friar
Saint Paul
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Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Shop This SaintFeast Day: Made a "Blessed" by Pope John Paul II in 1990.
Patron: Considered the Patron for students, youth, and mountaineers, and was declared the Patron for World Youth Day by Pope John Paull II
Vocation: Single life
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Feast Day: September 17
Patron: Patron Saint of Catechists and Catechumins
Vocation: Priesthood (Jesuit)
Saint Sebastian
Shop This SaintFeast Day: January 20
Patron: Patron Saint of soldiers, athletes, and archers
Vocation: Soldier, Martyr
Blessed Stanley Rother
Feast Day: July 28
Patron: Recognized as first American-born martyr
Vocation: Priest
Saint Thomas Beckett
Shop This SaintFeast Day: December 29
Patron: Patron Saint of priests, deacons and secular clergy
Vocation: Archbishop of Canterbury
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Feast Day: January 28
Patron: Patron Saint of Students and Universities
Vocation: Dominican Priest
Saint Thomas More
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