Have a Real Hero

  • Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

    Feast Day: June 21

    Patron: Patron Saint of students and young men

    Vocation: Jesuit Novice

    Decided to pursue the Priesthood through the Jesuit order at an early age, and died helping those afflicted with the plague.

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  • Saint Andre Bessette

    Feast Day:  January 6

    Patron: Patron Saint of the sick and those in need of healing, family caregivers

    Vocation: Brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Doorkeeper

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  • Saint Augustine

    Feast Day:  August 28

    Patron:  Patron Saint of theologians, printers, and brewers

    Vocation: Priest, Bishop

    Doctor of the Church

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  • Saint Benedict

    Feast Day: March 21

    Patron: Patron Saint of Europe

    Vocation: Father of Western Monasticism

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  • Saint Charbel

    Feast Day:  July 24

    Patron: Patron Saint of Lebanon, and of those who suffer

    Vocation: Priest

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  • Saint Christopher

    Feast Day: July 25

    Patron: Children and Travelers

    Vocation: Christ-bearer

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  • Saint Damien of Molokai

    Feast Day:  May 10

    Patron: Patron Saint of people suffering from Leprosy and of Hawaii

    Vocation: Priest

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  • Saint Dominic Savio

    Feast Day:  March 9

    Patron: Patron Saint of boys, those who are falsely accused, and juvenile delinquents

    Vocation: Choir boy and spiritual son of Saint John Bosco

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  • Saint Francis de Sales

    Feast Day:  January 24

    Patron:  Patron Saint of writers and journalists, adult education, and the deaf

    Vocation: Bishop and Doctor of the Church

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  • Venerable Fulton Sheen

    Feast Day: Made a Venerable on December 9

    Patron: Media and evangelization

    Vocation: Bishop, author

    "Life is Worth Living," was a top watched show in the 1950's that provided the platform for Bishop Sheen to spread the Gospel and lessons that reached millions.

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  • Saint George

    Feast Day: April 23 

    Patron: Patron Saint of Knights and Soldiers

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  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola

    Feast Day:  July 31

    Patron: Patron Saint of the Jesuits

    Vocation:  Jesuit Priest, Founder of the Society of Jesus

    As a military officer, his dehbilitating injury led to a great conversion and ultimately founded the Societ of Jesus (the Jesuit Order)

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  • Saint John Vianney

    Feast Day: 

    Patron: Patron Saint of Priests


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  • Saint Josemaria Escriva

    Feast Day:  June 26

    Patron: Patron Saint of Opus Dei, and of those who suffer from diabetes

    Vocation: Priest and founder of the Opus Dei prelate

    "Many who would willingly let themselves be nailed to a Cross before the astonished gaze of a thousand onlookers cannot bear with a Christian spirit the pinpricks of each day! Think, then, which is the more heroic." (The Way, 204)

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  • Saint Joseph

    Feast Day:  March 19 & May 1

    Patron: Patron Saint of workers, fathers and husbands

    Vocation: Foster father of Jesus Christ, Most Chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    “When you invoke St Joseph, you don’t have to say much. Say, “if you were in my place, St Joseph, what would you do? Well, pray for this on my behalf.”

    -St. Andre Bessette

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  • Blessed Karl of Austria

    Feast Day:  October 21


    Vocation: Husband and Father

    Leader of Austria, pure and humble father and husband, and example of morals and integrity

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  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe

    Feast Day:  August 14

    Patron: Patron Saint of prisoners, drug addicts, families, and the pro-life movement

    Vocation: Priest

    An example of hope through immense suffering, and selflessness in adversity

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  • Saint Michael the Archangel

    Feast Day:  September 29

    Patron: Patron Saint of Military and Police Forces

    Vocation: Commander of God's Army

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  • Blessed Miguel Pro

    Feast Day:  November 23

    Patron: Priest

    Vocation: Priest, Martyr

    Before the firing squads shot him, he forgave his executioners, prayed, and died proclaiming, "Viva Cristo Rey", "Long live Christ the King!" 

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  • Saint Padre Pio

    Feast Day:  September 23

    Patron: Patron Saint of civil defense volunteers, adolscents, and the village of Pietrelcina

    Vocation: Capuchin Friar

    Set an example to all in unceasing prayer, suffering, and spiritual warfare

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  • Saint Paul

    Feast Day: 



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  • Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

    Feast Day: Made a "Blessed" by Pope John Paul II in 1990.

    Patron: Considered the Patron for students, youth, and mountaineers, and was declared the Patron for World Youth Day by Pope John Paull II

    Vocation: Single life

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  • Saint Robert Bellarmine

    Feast Day:  September 17

    Patron:  Patron Saint of Catechists and Catechumins

    Vocation: Priesthood (Jesuit)

    Stalwart defender against heresies within the Church, Doctor of the Church

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  • Saint Sebastian

    Feast Day:  January 20

    Patron: Patron Saint of soldiers, athletes, and archers

    Vocation: Soldier, Martyr

    Saint Sebastian was commonly invoked to intercede for those who recently died and pray to God for their souls

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  • Blessed Stanley Rother

    Feast Day:  July 28

    Patron:  Recognized as first American-born martyr

    Vocation: Priest

    "The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger."

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  • Saint Thomas Beckett

    Feast Day:  December 29

    Patron:  Patron Saint of priests, deacons and secular clergy

    Vocation: Archbishop of Canterbury

    “I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood, the Church may obtain liberty and peace.”

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  • Saint Thomas Aquinas

    Feast Day:  January 28

    Patron:  Patron Saint of Students and Universities

    Vocation: Dominican Priest

    Doctor of the Church

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